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Saved by barbara
on November 8, 2007 at 3:14:32 pm

Digital Storytelling using PhotoStoryphotostory


WebDesign 101 | PhotoStory 3


This wiki was created to serve as a resource and guide for using Microsoft PhotoStory to create digital stories. I also plan for it to be a repository and showcase for digital stories created by English 101 students at Boise State. Digital stories provide yet another way to express ourselves, through a combination of pictures and sound. Microsoft PhotoStory is a free software tool that can help students easily construct a compelling digital story.


The links to your right include tutorials on how to use PhotoStory (the videos by JakesOnline are VERY good) and other software tools that will simplify the process of creating a digital story.


Please contact me with any comments, questions, or suggestions for this wiki: bschroed@boisestate.edu



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